by Ardiana Spahija
Nu öppnar vi upp anmälan till årets första DevTribe Gathering tillsammans med oss på Softhouse i Växjö. Vi planerar att ses den 28:e april kl 17.00 där vi bjuder på mingel, tilltugg och inspirerande blixttal. Vi lägger fokus på design och tar ett ordentligt djupdyk i olika designverktyg tillsammans med våra blixttalare och rundar av kvällen med Open Space session där vi boostar varandra med inspiration.
Design är ett brett område som många tycker är intressant och spännande. Det finns en uppsjö av olika designverktyg där ute och det är inte alltid lätt att hitta rätt. Inte nog med att det kan vara svår att hitta rätt eller välja rätt, så släpps det nya verktyg på daglig basis som anses vara ”bra att ha”. Många verktyg inkluderar också breda ekosystem av plugins och andra typer av tillägg som gör det svårt för en att veta när man ska använda vad. Att många upplever det svårt att hänga med och hitta designverktyg som faktiskt hjälper en utmed hela designprocessen är därför inget konstigt.
Som designer kan vi använda oss av en rad olika verktyg inom alla delar av en designprocess. Ett typiskt flöde av designverktyg kan vara att vi sitter i ett verktyg för att få fram skisser och prototyper för att senare hoppa in i ett annat verktyg för att kunna dela och lämna över vårt förslag till t.ex. en utvecklare. Ett tredje verktyg hade kunnat vara ett som möjliggör t.ex. insamling av feedback och insikter från användaren. Listan kan göras lång och vid användning av fel verktyg kan det snabbt bli både dyrt och tidskrävande. Det är därför viktigt att ha med sig att olika verktyg passar olika bra och är helt beroende på var någonstans i designprocessen man befinner sig.
Vi på Softhouse kände att det vore på sin plats att lyfta temat designvertyg och prata om det under vårt populära DevTribe Gathering koncept. Varmt välkommen till en kväll med intressanta diskussioner och nya insikter om några av de verktyg som finns tillgängliga idag och används i den digitala designers värld.
Våra talare:
Robin Lundin – Keynote Speaker & Designer at Softhouse
Version control tools for better design collaboration
New, newfinal, newfinalfinal, newfinelestfinal, newfinelestfinalforsure.png. Yes, we’ve all been there. Many images, layers, pages, and prototypes with multiple versions inside and outside of our tools. In more simple projects, when working alone, it might feel like a trivial thing but when the projects get more complex and you collaborate with others this can lead to much confusion, stress, and inefficiency. That’s where version control comes in! Giving us the possibility to manage our projects and files over time. Let’s go over the basics to get a fundamental understanding of what version control is when to use it and a quick overview of how it’s done in Figma and Abstract.
Robin Lundin
Robin Lundin is a designer at Softhouse who has broad competence in both design and software development. One of Robin’s biggest passions is creating the best possible conditions for both designers and organizations to deliver great user experiences in a smooth, effective, and sustainable way.
Amani Shamsudin – UX Designer at Milou
How many designer tasks can we fit in one software – let’s explore Figma
As a designer you often find yourself switching between multiple software, each one catered to a different need. Not only can it be a hassle to constantly switch contexts and adjust your workflow to the different limitations of the software but you also risk losing information in a forgotten document that lacks proper linking to the team’s daily workspaces. Let’s explore how Figma can fit multiple designer tasks all in the same universe – from refinement and concept to designs and developer handoffs.
Amani Shamsudin
Amani Shamsudin is a UX Designer at Milou with a passion for making digital products that are seamless, simple, and accessible. She works hands-on with design solutions while also having her fingertips in business development and facilitation, enabling cross-functional and user-centric design processes.
Lina Larsson – UX/UI designer and a devoted accessibility expert
Awesome tools that will boost accessibility in your design
Accessibility is all about tearing down the barriers and making it possible for people with disabilities to use your website or digital service. The decisions you make in your designs can either include or exclude individuals with for example vision impairment, motoric disabilities, or learning disorders. Recently there has been an increased awareness of the benefits of inclusive design, and stakeholders have come to realize that ensuring that everyone can access information and use your service opens up a wider spectrum of customers. In this talk, you will get tips on how to gain a deeper understanding of disabilities, and how to measure that your designs live up to the standards.
Lina Larsson
Lina Larsson is a UX/UI designer and a devoted accessibility expert. Over the last ten years, she has worked with numerous clients within the public, cultural and commercial sectors to guide them in their work towards becoming more accessible. Lina is certified by the international organisation IAAP and is convinced that everyone benefits from inclusive design.
Amanda Lenko – UI/UX Graphic designer from Canada
Collaborating Across Design Disciplines
Multidisciplinary design is gaining importance because designers are increasingly being integrated in different fields of work. UX touches upon people from all kinds of cultural and professional backgrounds, and a good UX designer keeps the roles of everyone involved in mind when working on a project. In order to do so, there are design tools that are used to centralize and share the process. It helps for the designer to have worked in different fields of design, and recognize that there are always commonalities that segway from one field to another. Mind mapping and wireframing are key methods to do so. This enriches the user experience and allows the designer to place ourselves in their shoes. Let’s explore how to find commonalities between disciplines in order to produce the best end result!
Amanda Lenko
Amanda Lenko is a UI/UX Graphic designer from Canada. Her array of experiences include working at large corporations, branding small businesses, designing and developing online courses, and running her clothing line. She is currently completing her studies at Linnaeus University in the Innovation in Business, Engineering, and Design MA program. Her curiosity and passion for design is driven by working with people from different backgrounds. She designs with a sustainable approach, considering how it can enhance our everyday experiences.
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