by rebecka
by rebecka

Now the IT company Softhouse is coming to Jönköping – a city that the company believes will grow rapidly.
The aim is to have 30 employees in place within two years.
– Jönköping is an exciting city and a lot is happening in this region. We would like to be part of this journey, says Johan Lindblom, CEO of Softhouse Småland.
During the autumn, the company will be established in Jönköping, which is seen as an exciting city with great potential.
– In Jönköping, there are many potential customers that we want to get closer to, says Johan Lindblom.
Within two years, the company plans to have 30 employees in the office in Jönköping. A bold goal, but fully achievable, believes Johan Lindblom.
– We are going for high pressure in an industry that is doing well. Our vision is to grow, but to do it properly. The individual before growth, which means that we are looking for people with the right skills and personality that fit into our corporate culture, he says.
Since its inception, the company has focused on developing digital business through agile working methods and methods. In addition to building digital services, Softhouse holds lots of courses, trainings, breakfast seminars and events.
– Digitalization is just in its infancy and there is incredibly much excitement about digital. Everywhere there are companies that have neither the ability nor the competence to take the next step. If they need help with staying relevant in the market, we will come into the picture, says Johan Lindblom.
What do you want with the investment in Jönköping?
– We see great potential in the city. We want to challenge and make an impression. We are an IT company that will grow and Jönköping is a strategically important city to operate in, says Johan Lindblom.
For more information, contact: Johan Lindblom, CEO Softhouse Småland0709-865
About Softhouse:
Softhouse develops digital business, software and people and deliver value quickly and continuously through agile working methods and competent employees. Softhouse was founded in 1996 and was one of the first companies to introduce Agil methodology in Sweden. Softhouse offers Agil software development and consulting services in IT, leadership and coaching. Softhouse has approximately 200 employees distributed at the offices in Stockholm, Malmö, Karlskrona, Karlshamn, Växjö, Jönköping, Helsingborg and Sarajevo. In 2019, the Group has sales of SEK 250 million. Read more at