by rebecka
by rebecka

2019-04-17 Växjö Softhouse. Foto: Jonas Ljungdahl
Pontus Öhling Hansson studied software development and design for web at Linnaeus University to become a software developer. The third year, he got an internship with us at Softhouse and got stuck. Now he loves the freedom that comes with working with us and constantly evolving. At first, he mostly worked towards the front end, but over time he has also started working with back end.
Front end turned back end developer
Pontus works both towards the front end (which means development towards the web) but also backend (which means development towards the server side / internal systems). He started his career at Softhouse by working towards the front end, but over time has also entered the backend.
– I am a big fan of the cloud, says Pontus. He continues
– The title as a software developer is very broad, but largely it means being able to develop software solutions for different systems such as. mobile apps, websites, software for internal systems and so forth.
Right now, Pontus’ tasks are relatively broad.
– I work with DevOps in different cloud’s such as Azure or the Google cloud platform, frontend in React and backend in Python. In addition, some script automation in Bash and JavaScript.
– The best thing about my job is that it is a challenge. The area is large and there are always new things to learn and you are constantly evolving, says Pontus.
From internship to full time employment
Pontus’ professional journey began as a care assistant at a retirement home after high school. When he figured out what he wanted to study further, he started at Linnaeus University and studied Programming and design for the web. The third year he got an internship with us at Softhouse and then got stuck as he loves the freedom to work as a consultant at Softhouse.
– At Softhouse I have absolutely wonderful colleagues and I have the opportunity to develop my skills and constantly learn new things in the form of different types of educations where we are able to get several certifications, says Pontus and laughs.
– And of course – I love all the free coffee! :)
A tech nerd with a secret talent
Pontus is a tech nerd and likes to mecca with hardware and programming. In his spare time, he also enjoys working out in the gym, but due to the pandemic, he has instead started out and running around Växjösjön.
– I’m really cruel at Guitar Hero! Still has the expert spirit in me after all these years. In addition, I can probably crack all parts of the body, something my partner does not always appreciate, says Pontus and laughs.