by rebecka
by rebecka

Johanna is the developer who took a turn in her life and started studying to become a programmer instead of working in retail. Today she works as a JavaScript Developer at the Malmö office.
Johanna Szepanski works as a front-end developer at our office in Malmö and her days mostly consist of programming. Since Johanna started with us 1.5 years ago, she has worked and been involved in our collaboration with GoAhead Norway and their web solution. GoAhead operates the Oslo – Stavanger train line in Norway and sells tickets through mobile apps and on the web. Johanna enjoys this project where she works together with a wonderful group of colleagues and with a very competent customer.
– My task is to write code for everything that the user can see and interact with. A simple expression, the button’s appearance, and the functionality that makes the button do something say, Johanna.
But being a front-end developer means much more than just writing code. Johanna continues.
– It consists of a lot of planning, to prioritize, plan and break down data based on the customer’s wishes to ensure a good flow in the deliveries and that features with the highest value are made first. As part of a team, I participate in meetings about what, when, and how we should solve things and I code review my colleagues’ work, as they do mine.
From the advertising industry to front-end developer
Johanna’s career journey began in the advertising industry where she worked as a project manager assistant for a few years. After that, she worked for many years in the retail industry both as a store manager and as a regional manager.
– In the last years in the retail industry, it, unfortunately, became more common for me to close down several stores instead of opening up new ones and that made me think, says Johanna.
She continues.
– I applied for education called mobile e-commerce to be able to build on my knowledge in retail and commerce, but on a new, more modern platform. As a 38-year-old, I started studying at a polytechnic and especially stuck to a course block, app programming, and a course in iOS / Android.
After two years at the Vocational University with new knowledge in programming, Johanna still didn’t feel quite finished.
– I didn’t really have the confidence to apply for a job on my new skills. I wanted to learn more in programming and applied for the web program via Linnaeus University in Kalmar, says Johanna.
After another two years, Johanna finished her education and for the next six months, she tried half-heartedly to run her own business. She did some minor work but did not really feel it was the right way to go.
– It all came down to the fact that I’m awful at demanding paid for the things I do and I also missed having co-workers. So I decided to apply for a job at Softhouse as a Junior JavaScript Developer and the rest is, as they say, history, says Johanna.
Softhouse is a company that puts the employees first
Johanna thinks that the most fun thing about her job is writing code. To discuss, think, twist, and turn data in order to then be able to transmit it into code.
– The best thing about working with front-end development is that when I see the results directly it becomes almost a bit addictive, says Johanna.
She continues.
– Softhouse is a company that puts us, employees, first. You feel appreciated for your work and it is perfectly okay to make mistakes. The atmosphere is light-hearted and the colleagues are skilled and goal-oriented. We all want the same thing, the best for the customer, which means that I can safely trust that my colleagues do their very best every day.
The programmer with an interest in cultivating
When Johanna is not sitting in front of the computer and coding, she is a hobby grower who sows flowers, vegetables and herbs.
– As soon as the sun is out, I’m out digging in the flowerbed. As a dog owner, I also spend a lot of time on my 6-year-old flat Rune, says Johanna.
She continues.
– Another thing I love to do is set the table. I would be extremely upset if I was not assigned the table setting task at joint parties. Large centerpieces with flowers are my specialty and that there’s a theme at a table setting is a must, says Johanna.