by rebecka
by rebecka

You are warmly welcome to our online event LeanTribe number 52 (!). We will talk about “AI in business”! If you are curious about artificial intelligence, this is the event for you. We mix different speakers with lively discussions. The event is ensembled together with FooCafé and in addition to that, Michael Tiberg, FooCafé’s CEO, is our moderator for the evening. See you there, right?
LeanTribe on Artificial Intelligence “AI in Business”
In our LeanTribe on April 28th, we will talk about how AI can affect our organizations. How AI can create new conditions and help us streamline and find new business opportunities. On this LeanTribe theme – “AI in business” – we will talk about AI in the IT industry and on which concepts and approaches are an important factor in future operations. AI has not only transformed traditional methods in IT, but it has also entered many new industries and changed them significantly. As the world becomes more digital and all industries become much smarter, we must adapt. We as IT companies must try to keep up with an exploding process complexity and accelerating innovations.
In our LeanTribe, we think it is important to create a space where everyone is involved and can share their thoughts and ideas and that is why each speaker gives a 10-minute presentation before we make room for an open space session. Open space is a forum for open discussions on the various topics we have previously talked about. We have gathered passionate experts who talk about different angles related to AI and you as an audience get the opportunity to discuss and share your experiences together with them.
The speakers

Jesper Bleeke, Hyper Island – AI and humans in future manufacturing
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and that will mimic our actions. AI is also about all the machines that execute commands that are associated with a human mind, such as learning and problem solving.
The most common perception of artificial intelligence is their ability to rationalize choices and take action with the best chance of achieving a particular goal. Part of artificial intelligence is machine learning and machine learning is the function that computer programs can automatically learn from and adapt to new data without the help of humans. Another part of artificial intelligence is deep learning. Deep learning is the function that mimics the work process of the human brain. Everything from processing data to creating patterns for making decisions.
Artificial intelligence is based on the principle that human intelligence can be created and defined by machines that can easily imitate us to perform tasks. Right now, developers and researchers are making extremely rapid progress in the AI industry. We can now get machines to mimic activities such as learning, perception and reasoning to the extent that all of these behaviors can actually be defined. Some people even believe that AI will soon be able to develop a capacity for human behavior that may even exceed our own. But what actually happens remains to be seen.
About LeanTribe
LeanTribe is a network of people who share the values that Lean stands for and the belief that Lean creates a better work climate in companies. LeanTribe is a Swedish association of enthusiasts who are responsible for Agile and lean software development.
Our gatherings
Our main Lean activity is our gatherings which is an evening activity where we listen to inspiring speakers who are then followed up with Open Space discussions. The structure of a LeanTribe is based on three parts. Theme, Flash and Open Space.
Organizers for the evening are: