by guestwriter


by guestwriter


Yazeen Jasim is a software developer at our office in Växjö. When he is not helping our customers solve problems or lecture students at EC Education about programming, he prefers to lay down on the couch and read Russian literature or philosophy.

Yazeen Jasim is one of our software developers who works with both frontend and backend development at our office in Växjö. Right now he is in the middle of a project where they are building a system that works with salary, HR and recruitment. There Yazeen is working on developing an application for the system to simplify administration for the users.

– React and NodeJs are some examples of programs that I work in. The most fun thing with my job is the challenges that come up along the way, problem solving and constantly learning new things. In my work as a developer, I get the opportunity to help customers solve important problems where you can see the results immediately after it’s been done, says Yazeen.

In addition to working as a software developer, Yazeen lectures at EC Education in Växjö and Malmö. Yazeen trains students in Javascript and React while at the same time sharing his agile knowledge. In addition, Yazeen assists course leaders with correction, grading, and updating course materials that they use in other courses.

– Even though I lecture to students, I feel like a student. When you work as a developer, you are never finished. There are always new technologies and systems being developed and there are always new things to learn and take part off, says Yazeen.

The culture at Softhouse made my choice easy

Yazeen started his career with a few different jobs, but his dream was always to become a software developer. He started studying “Software Engineering” at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). During his studies, Yazeen was involved in various projects through the school for Ericsson and All binary in Karlskrona. While studying, he worked as a terminal operator at Hkscan.

– During the last year at BTH, I posted on my LinkedIn profile that I was looking for a job and quickly a recruit got in touch with me and introduced me to Softhouse in Växjö, says Yazeen.

He continues.

– During my last semester at BTH, I had the opportunity to create a program at Softhouse as part of a school project and then I was hired. Because I joined the company before my employment, I had the opportunity to socialize and get to know my colleagues and learn more about the company culture. Which made me realize that Softhouse was the right choice for me.

Yazeen thinks that the best thing about Softhouse is the corporate culture. In other words, the work environment and all the nice and helpful colleagues who constantly challenge you to get better and develop.

– I usually say that at Softhouse – “You not only have good colleagues, but great friends”, says Yazeen.

From coding to Russian literature

In his spare time, Yazeen plays a lot of computer games and spends some time on Open Source and hobby projects in Artificial Intelligence. When he is not sitting in front of the computer or hanging out in our office in Växjö, he prefers to spend his time with a good book in his hand.

– I read a lot in my spare time. Some favorite genres are books on philosophy, metaphysics or Russian literature, says Yazeen.

Since computer games are one of Yazeens interests, his secret talent is that he is a badass at CS.

– I’m an old CS player, but I quit after I reached the top of the rankings. However, I’m still pretty good at it as I have not stopped playing completely, says Yazeen and smiles.

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