by Ardiana Spahija
by Ardiana Spahija
Environment and sustainability are important for our society and something that Softhouse works actively within the business. From office placement to work planning, sustainability is a common thread, and awareness is often the step to change. Even if Softhouse has come a long way towards sustainability, this document should be the next step on that journey.
This report has been prepared to be a reference point for the company’s carbon dioxide emissions to more clearly measure the effect of new initiatives and objectives with reductions in these emissions.
Softhouse Nordic AB, together with one of its strategically most important customers in the Telecom area, has committed to halving its carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, with the emissions reported in this document as a reference.
Climate impact, carbon dioxide emissions 2019
The number of employees during the reference period was 198. In total, we sum up emissions corresponding to 202 tonnes of carbon dioxide, 1.02 tonnes per employee.
A company’s carbon dioxide emissions are divided into three scopes according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, GHG.
- Scope 1, direct emissions from operations
- Scope 2, indirect emissions from purchased energy
- Scope 3, other indirect emissions from the company’s value chain
In a calculation of a company’s emissions, the standard, according to the GHG protocol, is to start from scopes 1 and 2, but since Softhouse’s main emissions are within scope 3, these are reported to reflect clarity. In scope 3, Softhouse has the greatest opportunity to reduce its climate footprint.
Softhouse Nordic AB will carry out an annual follow-up of progress towards decided climate goals.