by Ardiana Spahija


by Ardiana Spahija


When I came in contact with Softhouse and had the opportunity to learn more about how the company is structured, how to look at employees, how they have always prioritized knowledge sharing and really care about their fellow human beings – then a curiosity was created in me. That “I can really be involved and contribute here”.

Softhouse is an incredibly nice and stable company. It has been owner-managed since the start in 1996 (26 years) and during all these years performed at the top. During this time, our three main owners have also worked actively in the company both on assignment but also with our continuous corporate governance. When I started working at Softhouse the company had come to a place where the brand had stopped a bit in time. There was a big need to raise the brand perception and leverage on the fine and well-founded work and get into the communication and tech sense of the 21st century. It’s not easy and we are not at the finish line (do you ever finish with such a big and nice task? I do not think so).

Continuous development – for real

We stand for “continuous development” and this is something that is strongly rooted in our values. It is also something that I as the head of marketing believe in a lot. That we need to iterate, twist and turn, and above all get people involved. Modern brands and workplaces need to involve their employees in dialogue and discussion early on. It is challenging and in many cases time consuming, but it also provides new angles and perspectives on the reality that different individuals in a company experience. It is important to get the anchor from several large parts and employee groups in the company. We started a brand transformation in 2019 and have since worked with it continuously. Much of the work that we can reap the fruits of today is one that takes time to build and requires continuity and coherent communication over time. During the journey, we have had to re-evaluate, develop and change certain decisions that we made quickly in the process, but what you notice is that even quick decisions can set a good direction and tone for the continued work ahead, even if you need to “tweak” something after a while. I think that is one of the biggest strengths of Softhouse. We are not afraid to develop, re-evaluate and change – it is part of our agile mindset. In this area of expertise I have grown in my role and as a leader. Softhouse has since the beginning been a goldmine of content with initiatives such as LeanMagazine, In 5, our educational activities, and our general knowledge sharing. To get out and take it to the next step, we have in some cases needed to simplify, make the typical softhouse text more understandable and with a little less engineering tone to fit and make the market understand. We have paused certain initiatives that are time-consuming and that no longer feel relevant, but which we believe can set the tone and contribute greatly in the future, but in new forms. Everything old is not bad, sometimes you just need to reevaluate and renew, sometimes try to rejuvenate.

The heart of the company – our people

As most people know, our industry is in continuous challenges and this includes recruitment. It’s tough to attract and recruit the best people. However – Our company would not be anything without our fantastic employees. Therefore, we strongly believe that if our employees thrive and share that joy with each other, their friends, families, and acquaintances, we can attract even more talented colleagues. Because at Softhouse you actually have the opportunity to choose your colleagues. Therefore, we work continuously to try to make our fine culture visible and that is something we at Softhouse are known for. In our employee portraits, our colleagues almost always highlight how well they thrive and how proud they are to belong to such a healthy and fun company. It makes me proud. Because together we create each other’s everyday life and work environment. So thank you to all Softhouse: ers who every day are involved and contribute and make sure that we have a really fun workplace to go to.


/Rebecka Lindhe

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