Categories: News, Press release

by Ardiana Spahija


Categories: News, Press release

by Ardiana Spahija


The software consulting company Softhouse, with about 300 employees, continues to expand and establish a new office in the university city of Lund. The establishment in Lund is the latest opening in the expansive phase that Softhouse is in, with new offices in Karlshamn, Kalmar, Jönköping, and Uppsala.

Softhouse, with its approximately 300 employees, spread over nine different locations in Sweden and with an office in Sarajevo, Bosnia, is expanding and opening its first office in Lund. The establishment in Lund is an essential part of Softhouse’s growth journey, where they currently have about 90 employees in the Malmö / Lund region. The establishment also brings Softhouse closer to several of its customers.

– It is with great pleasure that we announce that we have established ourselves in Lund. We are experiencing strong demand for our services and cutting-edge skills in the region. For example, we have interesting ongoing projects in AI. It is essential for Softhouse to have a local presence in places with software-intensive companies that are at the forefront, something Lund has, says Anna Bäcklin, responsible for Softhouse.

Anna continues.

– Through a local presence in Lund, we can now work even closer to our customers to build on the long customer relationships we are known for. When we are physically present, it also opens up for an in-depth collaboration with the university, which is important for Softhouse’s growth journey.

Growing but at the same time maintaining a high level of competence among employees is a challenge for most employers, but an area where Softhouse has been creative and successful.

– By opening an office in Lund’s city center, we give our employees the chance to vary their working day and switch between two utterly different office environments. Meeting other colleagues and going out into the crowd in Lund at lunch creates new opportunities for meetings, new colleagues, and innovation, says Ola Persson, responsible for Sydväst.

Photo: Ola Persson, responsible for Softhouse Sydväst

Softhouse opens its first office in Lund on Grönegatan 1C starting in May 2022.


For more information, contact:

Anna Bäcklin, CEO, Softhouse
0709 – 800 439

Ola Persson, Responsible for Softhouse Sydväst
0708 – 308 474

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