by Ardiana Spahija
by Ardiana Spahija

Muhammad Abid Husnain is an android developer based in Malmö. He started his journey at Softhouse about seven months ago and is currently working on an exciting Open source VT-100 project with ASSA Abloy.
Abid’s role as an android developer at Softhouse includes tasks such as the implementation of various tasks, the application’s architecture, and review implementation. The open source project VT-100 that Abid is working on today is an open source software where the owner gives users the right to use, study, modify and distribute the software and its source code to anyone and for any purpose – something he enjoys and finds instructive.
– Thanks to my previous achievements, I have been entrusted to carry out this open source project. This is something that I really appreciate about Softhouse, both the corporate culture and that you as an employee get noticed when you do something good. You really get opportunities to constantly develop if you want to, says Abid.
He continues:
– As a developer at Softhouse, I manage my development with competent and responsive leaders who want the best for me. Together we find the right projects and challenges to achieve my goals. I get to work with techniques and projects that I genuinely like and am motivated by.
Programming is his passion
Abid says that he prefers Android SDK and Native Development Kit (NDK) with the frameworks Native Android and Flutter. The programming languages he works with are Java, Kotlin, and Dart.
– Android development is my favorite thing and has been for the past four years. But lately, I’ve leaned towards Flutter more and more. With Flutter I can build applications for several platforms, e.g. Android, iOS, and web, says Abid.
Furthermore, Abid says that the most fun thing about his job is that he gets the opportunity to work with his passion for programming with sharp colleagues and share knowledge and support. He describes it as hanging out with a bunch of friends – which he appreciates.
According to Abid, teamwork is essential in problem-solving, especially in development and programming, leading us to which of Softhouse’s values is his personal favorite – Team.
We are a team, and it permeates everything we do. Learning from each other and striving for common goals motivates me in my job. If we work as a team to solve problems, this also often leads to increased opportunities for innovation, says Abid.
Abid continues.
What I also think is great about Softhouse is the multicultural environment that exists in all offices. The community can not be diminished and it is the one that makes Softhouse stand out, says Abid.
He also wants to add that the best thing about working as a software consultant is that he gets the opportunity to work with different projects and with different companies, which also creates good experiences – and opportunities.
From keyboard to dining table
When Abid is not hanging out with his friendly colleagues, he likes to hang out with his friends digitally and play online games of various kinds. But when he is not in front of a computer screen, he likes to spend time at the gym, as he thinks it is important to prioritize physical activity. Abid also likes to read books and improve in various subjects.
– Right now, I am reading a book called Rich Dad Poor Dad – the road to financial success. A book about doing the opposite of what most parents teach their children; “Go to school and get a good education, save money, work hard, and the financial reward will come.” It remains to be seen if the book gives me some good tips, says Abid with a smile.
He concludes:
– I also have a secret talent that I practice daily – i.e. cooking, especially Asian dishes. Everyone should really try my good Biryani! Which contains many fantastic flavors in one dish, but it requires a little bit of time and love for it to be perfect, he says and smiles.
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