by Ardiana Spahija
by Ardiana Spahija

2022-05-21 Ystad Softhouse, Softhouse day. Foto: Jonas Ljungdahl
Alexander Mohlin is a consulting security architect at Softhouse with over eight years of experience in the security industry. He previously specialized in incorporating security into agile development.
Alexander works as a “Security champion” on a customer assignment where he helps the development teams with what they need in the form of coaching, performs risk and threat analysis, and reviews code. In addition, he is responsible for the Softhouse Solution Area – Security. He is actively working to strengthen his team with more security experts to develop Softhouse’s security offering further.
Today’s digital society places great demands on efficient and well-functioning security solutions and high security. As each company has unique conditions and needs, it is essential to know which solutions suit each company best and provide the most benefit. Softhouse can help with security analysis, penetration testing, two-factor authentication, secure code, and architecture. In addition, Softhouse offers training courses and lectures on IT security, which Alexander often holds.
– I think it is important to “live as you learn” and strongly like that we at Softhouse educate in the areas we are good at. It is also a great opportunity and challenge that you, as an expert in your field, get the chance to develop in this way as well, says Alexander.
New carrier – new city – new possibilities
Alexander previously worked as a graphic artist at various local newspapers in the Gothenburg area. But when the advertising market failed in the mid/late 2000s, he felt it was time to start working on what he was truly was interested in – security. So the family, consisting of himself and his wife, moved to Karlskrona so that Alexander could pursue his dream and study computer security at the university.
– After my education, I started working at a telecom company in Karlskrona, so we decided to stay here. There I ran into a bunch of really talented and friendly consultants. And what these consultants had in common was that they all came from Softhouse. That’s why I became interested in applying here – and that decision feels, three years later, like a good one.
Alexander continues.
– I am also glad that I decided to change careers. Working with something you are passionate about and getting paid for is a great feeling! I also like that my job is varied, and one day rarely is the same as another, Alexander concludes.
Furthermore, Alexander says that the biggest challenge in his profession is keeping up to date with the field’s fluctuations and identifying new vulnerabilities. It requires lifelong learning.
Softhouse’s security experts continuously participate in courses and events to keep pace with developments regarding architecture, design, systems, and the latest threat picture. Through analysis, practical efforts, and training, we are always ready to help you and your company build better conditions and manage the demands of digitization on security.
The importance of passion
– The best thing about being part of team Softhouse is that there is cohesion, a good atmosphere, and camaraderie, which sets Softhouse apart from other companies.
We then ask which of our values (team, passion, simplicity, and courage) is closest to his heart; he talks about the importance of passion for his profession.
– I have always considered passion fundamental, not only in working life. If you don’t feel passion for what you do, I imagine the result will suffer.
He continues.
– The fact that we at Softhouse have a good culture and team spirit is also essential. At Softhouse, everyone is open, friendly, and helpful, and it is vital that everyone feels seen and needed. What I like most is the willingness to share his knowledge and time with his employees, and I think those characteristics describe a typical Softhouser, says Alexander.
He also explains why he likes being an IT consultant.
– It is a varied profession as customers often need a consultant for a specific assignment and thus appreciate what you do. You get the chance to evolve when taking on assignments and projects with different customers and teams. It’s also a nice boost to perform and deliver an excellent job to clients and get recognition for it, he says with a smile.
A team player who prefers to win
In his spare time, Alexander likes to be active and invent things. He plays a lot of tennis and lifts weights in his home gym. In addition, he likes to cook a lot – and is happy to cook dinners on the weekends. He also says that he watches a considerable amount of football games in a week. How many exactly, we don’t know. But probably a lot.
When we ask if he has a secret talent, he shares:
– Maybe not a secret talent – but I hate losing in a music quiz and therefore try to avoid such a loss.
And we understand where that is coming from because if you work at Softhouse, you will probably participate in many music quizzes and other team activities as we like to socialize and have fun together! So a loss is inevitable now and then as most of us are competitive.
Do you want to be part of our security team? We are constantly looking for new employees, look at our vacancies and read more.